07 Dec Event Refresher Tips
REFRESH vb. to revive, to invigorate, to enliven, to stimulate
Ever asked yourself…
“How do we do things differently this year?” “How do we engage our guests?”
“We’ve booked a venue what else can we do?” “What is going to give us the best bang for our buck?”
“How do we incorporate our brand messages in an effective way?”
Welcome to Hunter Valley Events – Event Refresher Tips – our aim is to provide you with some FRESH ideas that ensure your next event ‘engages’ those who attend, and ‘adds value’ to your brand.
Here’s five (5) tips to get you started on a FRESH approach to your next event;
- Look at the format of your event – try mixing it up a bit from time to time.
Consider a change to the style/set-up of your event – if it’s normally sit down, consider a cocktail function – it allows for more mingling or networking. If there are formalities such as awards, then do them first in a theatre style set up (or a theatre!), then open up to a cocktail function (keep stand up presentations short). If you need to involve interstate or international guests, consider ‘live tele-conference feeds’ in some format rather than flying them in – you can also consider mini-functions at these locations. Or do a road show or multiple smaller events. What about a ‘fair style’ format rather than a structured sit down – this can be done inside or outdoors. Ever thought about a day time activity such as tour to a mystery location (with fun & games included) instead of a dinner function? - Consider a change in time of the event – If you have always had a dinner function, think about a lunch, what about a breakfast or brunch if budget or timeframe is tight. A high tea also adds an element of class and keeps things to a shorter time frame. If a Christmas function is getting too difficult to do at the end of the year – why not change it to a New Year’s or Christmas in July date.
- Seek out a unique venue for your event – this can add a real point of difference to your event.
Look beyond the norm and you will be surprised by what you will find. Try matching the venue to what you are trying to achieve with your event. If you are re-launching your brand – why not consider having it on your site if it suits – a marquee over a car park or a shed – with some styling can be very effective and memorable. Make the venue a surprise bush or pop-up location, theme park, beach, museum, art gallery, barge or boat – even a wharf, an old factory or vacant warehouse, an airport hangar – all will add a point of difference that can complement your event’s purpose. - Focus on ‘guest engagement’ – add an interactive activity such as; some pre-dinner games, themed photo booth, or make the guests the entertainment. Include a social media competition in the lead up, during or post event. If it’s a social function why not start with a progressive barn dance to get everyone mixing and laughing! If it’s a networking event perhaps an introductory exercise to get people talking.
- Find a strategic partner/s for your event – share the love (and cost!) around.
Partnering another business in an event can have enormous benefits. It can offer financial support (not always – you may need to pay them to be there), boost attendance, increase exposure, add value/endorse your brand, and forge long term alliances. Consider joining up with other complementary businesses for your Christmas function – to increase the social aspect and function options. So… find yourself a friend, charity, strategic alliance or partner and start sharing the love and reaping the rewards.
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